You're All Set! But Are You?
Ready to build confidence flying your drone? I can't wait to see you and help you learn more drone skills. Below is the information you'll need for the class.

Here’s what you’ll need to bring... Please make sure you have the apps installed and you have created accounts for each.
1) Your Drone (Make sure your drone’s software is updated - if you're not sure how do that yet, just check that your drone can turn on and links to the remote). If you are brining your own drone, it MUST be registered with the FAA. If you need to register your drone, you can do so here: https://faadronezone.faa.gov/#/ Once registered, you will be given a registration number. This number must be on your drone.
2) At least 2 drone batteries (If not, that’s okay, but understand that your flight time might be limited). I will have a battery pack to help re-charge your batteries.
3) A way to take notes (Pen and Paper, Computer, etc.).
4) Cell Phone With the following apps:
•DJI GO 4 (You will need to create an account)
Apple Or Google/Android: https://www.dji.com/downloads/djiapp/dji-go-4
• Aloft or B4UFly (You will need to create an account)
Apple App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/b4ufly-drone-airspace-safety/id992427109
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=gov.faa.b4ufly2
•Verifly - Drone Insurance (Optional - This insurance is for injury to people or property)
Apple App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/verifly-drone-insurance/id1122080460
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.verifly.insurance​
5) If you're using your cell phone to fly, please make sure your battery is charged.
We Have 2 Locations!

We are starting inside at the community room in Festival Foods in Neenah, WI (647 S Green Bay Rd, Neenah, WI 54956). This is where we'll go over the basics of drones.
Once you're inside the store, walk back to the deli area. The community room is upstairs, above the deli.

After we get some of the basics down, we're headed outside to fly drones! We'll be at Memorial Park in Neenah, WI.
I'm planning on using the corner of the park near Apple Blossom Drive and Blueberry Lane.